Hi, everyone. 

On Monday, June 6, 2016, 5:02:48 AM, Harald Faber wrote:

HF> Hi all,

HF> I have found the following thread in a German TheBat board:


HF> The trouble might have to do with SPF which has been introduced for 
HF> 1und1, gmx, web.de:

HF> (German)

If you recall, I initiated this thread last week when I was unable to send 
messages from four of 24 accounts.  (Harald changed the subject line.)   Today, 
I spoke with tech support at 1and1.com.   I also shared with them the links, 
below.   After being on hold for over a half hour this is what I learned:

1.  On Tuesday, May 31, 2016, 1and1.com initiated SPF protocol.  You can Google 
"SPF Protocol" to learn more about what SPF protocol is, but in general, it is 
"is an anti-spam approach in which the Internet domain of an e-mail sender can 
be authenticated for that sender, thereby discouraging spam mailers, who 
routinely disguise the origin of their e-mail, a practice known as e-mail 
spoofing. SPF and other anti-spoofing initiatives, such as Domain Keys, work by 
making it easier for a mail server to determine when a message came from a 
domain other than the one claimed."   See 
http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/Sender-Policy-Framework .  

2.  Following numerous complaints from customers, 1and1.com, on Friday, June 3, 
2016, rolled back their system to the setting in place prior to implementation 
of SPF protocol.   

3.  Notwithstanding the rollback, the tech support representative acknowledged 
that a number of users, such as myself, are still unable to send e-mail.  She 
also acknowledged that others who attempt to send e-mail to user accounts will 
experience a bounce back, even if not all mail sent to a user account is 
bounced back.  Indeed, that has been my experience: I have received several 
reports of individuals not being able to send e-mail to my 1and1.com accounts, 
even though some mail has been getting through to these accounts.

The tech support representative said that upper level administrators were 
trying to determine how to correct this problem but did not have any answers at 
this time.  She promised to get back to me within 24 to 48 hours. 

So, it remains to be seen if there will be a fix.  In the meantime, later 
reports on this thread suggest that upgrading to the latest version of The Bat 
has solved the problem for some, so I will be trying that as well.   I have 
also experienced some instability in the current version, which I will discuss 
in a separate thread, which is another reason I intend to upgrade shortly.   


Avram Sacks, using The Bat! Pro ver. on Win 7 Pro

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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