Hi Susanne,

Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 8:08:29 PM, you wrote:


>>  and I use slrn, but I sure would not recommend it to an OE convert:-)

S> Oh, why not <g>?

A short(!) extract from the tin manual follows; Note the highly
misleading use of the word "easy" in the description, I rest my case:-)

tin, rtin, tind - A Usenet newsreader

       tin  [[-h|-H|-V] |  [[[-a] [-dlnq|-Q] [-ArzX]] [[-R|-S] -s
       News-dir]   [-cuvUZ]   [-N|-M   address]   [-o|-w]]    [-D
       debug-level]   [-G  article-limit]  [-f  newsrc-file]  [-g
       server]     [-m     Mail-dir]      [-p      port]      [-I
       index-dir] [newsgroup[,...]]]

       rtin  [[-h|-H|-V] | [[[-a] [-dlnq|-Q] [-AzX]] [-cvZ] [[-S]
       -s News-dir] [-N|-M address] [-o|-w]] [-D debug-level] [-G
       article-limit]  [-f newsrc-file] [-g server] [-m Mail-dir]
       [-p port] [newsgroup[,...]]]

       tind  [[-h|-H|-V] |  [-d|-P|-v]   [-D   debug-level]   [-G
       article-limit] [-f newsrc-file] [-I index-dir]]

       tin is a full-screen easy to use Usenet newsreader. It can
       read news  locally  (i.e.,  /var/spool/news)  or  remotely
       (rtin or tin -r option) via a NNTP (Network News Transport
       Protocol) server. It will automatically utilize NOV  (News
       OVerview)  style  index  files if available locally or via
       the NNTP XOVER command.

       tin has four separate levels of operation: Group selection
       level,  Group  level,  Thread level and Article level. Use
       the `h' (help) command to view  a  list  of  the  commands
       available at a particular level.

       On startup tin will show a list of the newsgroups found in
       $HOME/.newsrc. An arrow '->' or highlighted bar will point
       to  the first newsgroup. Move to a group by using the ter­
       minal arrow keys (terminal dependent) or `j' and `k'.  Use
       PgUp/PgDn  (terminal  dependent)  or  Ctrl-U and Ctrl-D to
       page up/down. Enter a newsgroup by pressing <RETURN>.

       The <TAB> key enters the next newsgroup with unread  arti­

       Many more pages of obscure options follow this............


Mark Aston                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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