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On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 19:53:15 +0200, Avenarius wrote:

A> It's terrible that the preview pane position always returns to the
A> default (middle of screen) predetermined by Ritlabs.

Agreed. I find it very distressing myself, that TB! falls flat on it's
back in such a simple way. I've noted the lack of stickiness of the
preview window thickness and the main windows sub-window size settings
between views for God knows how long. I've made suggestions to make them
sticky but nada so far. Bad, IMHO. :-(

A> Pray what's the logic of that? What could be the *harm* of the window
A> position being sticky?

None ... None! It can only do good. :-)

A> If there are any people out there who prefer the preview pane to cut
A> the right half of the main window *exactly* in the middle, as is now
A> the case, then *that* would simply be *these* particular users' sticky
A> window position, right?

Exactly. :-)

A> But currently, you have no choice. There's only the default, and
A> nothing else to choose from.

Yes, you can choose, but once you make your choice, you can't switch to
another view. ;-b

JA>> However, I don't know many programs that remember settings to old
JA>> arrangements after they've been changed.

<cough> Are you serious there Januk? TB! is one of the few that I know
that doesn't remember such settings. It's a very prominent shortcoming,
simply because it's so basic in nature.

JA>> This one is sticky on my system.

A> Are we talking about the same thing? I mean the *user-modified* width
A> of the account tree, after you switched back to another view (let's
A> say, full-width preview window) and then *returned* to the full height
A> account tree. The frames are always back to default, in my version
A> (1.46, beta/6).

This has been the case since I've been using TB!, that's over a year and
a half now.

JA>> TB is not known for the lack of keystrokes if you want to use the
JA>> keyboard shortcuts.

A> You've got to be kidding. Have you ever laid eyes on Pegasus or
A> Opera's mailer? If you'd like, I can forward to this maillist the
A> list of astounding keyboard shortcuts (few as they are!) from Opera's
A> mailer -- your eyes will pop out.

TB!'s shortcuts are there but the mapping is another of TB!'s weak
points and this has a lot to do with the quick search which opens
automatically when you start typing in the main view window. IOW's, the
quick search facility may be invoked with the use of any of 36 keys when
the message list is in focus. Because of this, all the possible single
key shortcuts have gone up in smoke. It would have been much better to
invoke the quick search with a single shortcut and leave the other keys
for single key shortcut mappings, such as 'N' for next unread message,
'R' for reply, 'F' for forwarding etc.

JA>> In the end, the program will reflect the personality and the needs
JA>> of the developer(s).

A> Come again? I thought, the needs of *end user(s)*. We've already lost
A> Chuck Mattsen, and others will follow, if customers' wishes aren't
A> sufficiently taken into account...

Quite true. Depends on who the target customers are. Ritlabs needs to
make a decision on this and remain focused in this regard. But,
Avarenius, what you are complaining of here applies to any customer. :-)

JA>> What you must keep in mind as you evaluate TB is, are there enough
JA>> good points for you to stick around?

This is my selling point for TB!. :-) Despite it's problems, overall, it
is a knockout. I can't find a better one.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. "
Using TB! v1.47 Beta/3 «» Win2k Pro SP1

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