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On Fri, 22 Sep 2000 17:07:21 -0700, Januk Aggarwal wrote:

JA> By default I leave auto-formatting turned off.

Me too. Although I had left it on by default for a long time.

JA> This way I can type what I want, however I want.

This is why I have finally switched it off permanently.

JA> So  after I've typed a paragraph, I might notice that I want to edit
JA> something  in  the  middle  of  the  paragraph. So now I turn on the
JA> auto-format  tool  (use the keyboard shortcut), make my changes, and
JA> TB  responds the way most Windows text editors do. When I'm finished
JA> with  these  modifications, I turn off auto-format (use the keyboard
JA> shortcut again).

Me?  I  just  make the necessary changes, ignoring the distortion of the
formatting. When I'm done, I hit Alt+L once and voila, text is reflowed.
It  seems  more  efficient to me because in your case you have to toggle
the  autoformat on and then off. I just hit Alt+L once. The intermittent
Alt+L'ing  is  the price that I am willingly paying to be able to reflow
quoted text.

See above .... isn't it just great? :-)

JA> With  judicious  use  of  TB's  text reflowing capabilities and some
JA> simple  rules  for  formatting,  TB's editor can be shown to be very
JA> useful.

Indeed. :-)

JA> Please  note, I do not want to start up the Editor debate again. The
JA> purpose  of this post is simply to indicate how to use the *current*
JA> implementation and in no way indicates my preference of editors.

Hehehe. Yes, I realize this.

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A. Curtis Martin..
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** "An ulcer is what you get mountain climbing over molehills. "
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