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On Sat, 23 Sep 2000 23:22:55 +0200, Avenarius wrote:

ACM>> That's the case only if you have placed the cursor in the target
ACM>> paragraph with the mouse. However, when I'm composing mail, I
ACM>> don't use the mouse at all, hence, I really only need to press
ACM>> Alt+L.

A> That's not so. I don't touch the mouse, either, when composing
A> emails.

Hmmm. Do you have auto-wrap (not auto-format) enabled? Here is what
happens with me. I write a paragraph which is automatically being
wrapped as I go along. I'm finished, and I reread, or while writing I
decide to insert some text or rearrange the last sentence. I use the
arrow keys to navigate to the new insertion point and start typing.
After the corrections are made, the wrapping is off, so I press Alt+L
*without* having to hit an arrow key immediately prior to this. I just
did this. I'm wondering why it doesn't work for you. :-/

A> The most common method I use for editing myself is selecting a few
A> original words with the keyboard and directly supplying a
A> re-formulated version instead. After you finish writing what you've
A> edited this way, the ALT+L shortcut does *not* reformat the entire
A> paragraph, and you've got to grope for one of the ARROW keys.

That's it! This is true. I personally don't do that sort of thing when
editing. :-)

A> The ALT+L shortcut only seems to work immeditely not if you're
A> supplying old text for new but if you're merely adding a few words to
A> what's already there. (An operation I rarely perform.)

This is what I do all the time. I just add words and delete others; not
select and then overwrite text. <g>

A> Incidentally: another weakness of the editor is that, although
A> multiple UnDo is possible, not a single ReDo is allowed. (Let alone
A> multiple RepeatLastAction.)

True. Another call for the need to be able to use ones own editor of

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A. Curtis Martin..
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