This message: 26/09/2000 07:58 GMT.

Hello Jan,

  A reminder of what Jan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed on:
  25 September 2000 at 17:25:09 GMT -0400

JR> I haven't found a common denominator in all these msgs that I can
JR> filter on & move from my inbox to a TBUDL folder.

  My filter for this is called TBUDL:
  Source folder :-       Inbox
  Destination Folder :-  TBUDL

  String                      Location   Presence
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Sender     Yes

  That's all I use for for filtering TBUDL mail and so far it's never
  failed me.

  My TBBETA filter for some reason uses Kludges rather than sender but it
  still works the same.

Best regards,                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Using The Bat! 1.46d S/N A27A5E65
 Windows 98 ME 4.90 Build 3000 

 Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPkeyrequest

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