I just noticed something strange that led me to investigate some things. What I
uncovered is unbelievable.

I used outlook express for some other purpose (because my brother had sent me
two messages with forwarded messages as mime attachments, and those forwarded
messages had jpeg attachments that I couldn't view in the Bat.... incidentally
Outlook Express was no better with them)... and noticed that there were two
messages for me on the server that TB hadn't downloaded. It had definitely
synced, or was supposed to sync, because I checked the acct properties under
options and it said every 1 min. Anyway, I looked at the log file and the last
sync was from something like 8 or 9 hours before, so obviously it hadn't synced.
(This is IMAP4, BTW). I tried to force it and it seemed to check (although maybe
it checked all my other accounts but not this one). It's possible that the
checking routine was timing out or something.

Anyway, I eventually fired up the dispatcher and noticed those two messages were
there, with the receive box already checked, waiting for transfer. Weird, so I
ran execute, and the messages arrived. This was the first mystery... why were
they just sitting there? Was TB trying to check mail since 8 am, and was that
thread basically hanging, preventing new threads from checking at every minute
since that time?

And now, the worst part. I sent myself a quick test message from a unix account
to the account in question. TB got it within one minute. The message was a
one-liner, with no carriage return at the end, containing the text "mantest
destiny" (for MailAndNews test, I added the destiny just for fun). It came up
as: "mantest desti"

I was shocked, so I thought maybe the unix mailer had screwed up, or the MTA on
that server. It hadn't... I fired up OE and checked that same message, and it
came through fine. I tried the whole process again twice, then send "mantest
destiny destiny" which came through as "mantest destiny desti" and even the
alphabet which came through as "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx". It was basically
DROPPING the last two characters of every message! I am sure the messages were
fine because in Outlook Express and in the webmail gateway to my account they
displayed fine. So I looked through every message in that account's inbox, and
the reason I hadn't noticed before is because usually messages end with a
newline or two, and you can't notice those missing. A few messages did not,
however, they ended without a couple of newlines at the end. These also had the
last two characters truncated, so that a URL at the end of a message (in a sig
for eg.) without newlines after it would turn up as:


instead of .com.

It only appears to be with this account. All the other ones are fine. I know
it's a long shot, but if anyone has ANY clue why this might be happening, please
let me know. I don't think I could have configured anything to do something so
strange, like delete the last two characters of a message, but maybe I did.
Maybe it has something to do with filters? But I only have one filter in that
account, and I have set it to inactive anyway.

Yours in confusion,

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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