On 28-11-2000 at 06:42, Allie Martin kindly wrote:
> Karin Spaink wrote:

TF>>>> it deserves a place in the "interface hall of shame" (I
TF>>>> will find the URL and let you knowe tonight).

KS>> Please, pretty please, with sugar on top, can we have the url?

> http://www.iarchitect.com/mshame.htm
Yummie. Thanks!

- K -


"The feeling you had when you first played these old 
computer games as a ten year old down in the basement during 
the summer, back in the days that you knew it all and while 
your friends were hanging around at the pool you'd be saving 
the galaxy!"
   - Menso on HfH, 1999-10-16 
"Oh, eh, thanks for saving the galaxy, by the way. You did a 
great job, Menso."
   - Marcel on HfH, 1999-10-16

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