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        On 06 December, 2000, 7:34 PM, I saw Douglas's comments made on
 Wed, 06 Dec 2000 17:34:44 -0600, and thought I'd add my $0.02 worth:

DH> Marck's view - which I respect and appreciate. However, I hope I've
DH> cleared some of the doubts you have held regarding the validity of
DH> my using it. (Have I)? All that's happening is clearly documented in
DH> the introductory text I add (and in the headers and kludges, if you
DH> know where to look and how to interpret that).

I only have one reservation here. If you were to redirect a message to
me, I will not easily realize that the message is from you. It will
appear to be from the original sender. My filters for your messages will
not move the redirected messages to your folder. The only way to make the
distinction is to either open the message and read the addition you made
in the message body, or to examine the message headers.

If I wish to do a simple search of all messages from you (alt click on
your name in the From column), I'd have a problem with your redirected
messages since the "From" address for the messages you redirected to me
wouldn't be yours.

IOW's, it presents an awkward logistic problem that forwarding was
designed to fix. Forwarding makes it very clear that the message is from
you and not the original sender. I can easily spot a message you
forwarded to me in my message list as opposed to one you redirected to

If you ask me, I think redirecting is really for special situations
where you really wish the messages to be redirected to another address,
either not really caring if the recipient doesn't realize the message
was sent by you, or where you wish the recipient to receive the message
with the original senders address as the from address.

My passing impression Douglas, is that you're bending over backwards to
justify redirecting in situations when it's really the awkward thing to
do and where forwarding would be more appropriate.

But that's just my $0.02. You've already explained extensively why you
redirect <shrug>, and as Marck said, in the end, to each his own.

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 |     A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA]      |
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