Hello Thomas & other fellow TB! Users following this thread,

Thursday, December 07, 2000,  you stated regarding :

DH>> http://www.pcwize.com/thebat/shortcuts.txt

TF> This link is old. PCWize does not host our FAQ's any more.

I noticed that after posting it.

TF> Try this one:



TF> Somewhere there is the updated list of keyboard shortcuts, even
TF> though I just couldn't find it. Maybe you have more luck. ;-)

The url above has a link to:


The list there is somewhat newer (the link I gave was for v. 1.35b1)
and the new one says it's for TB! v.1.38e. But I assume that new
commands HAVE been added since then (i.e., v. 1.42 represented a
major breakthrough on various fronts, like color coding messages and
a MUCH more compact mail file structure).

There is also a shortcuts list in Russian, which would work (I
assume) with the Russian Keyboard.

Some of the commands that work on the English keyboard do NOT work
on the Spanish keyboard and I have found the Spanish keyboard
equivalents for those that do work but work differently, which I
would be glad to supply to anyone asking for them. (They can also be
found in the TBUDL archives, since I did post them once, at the same
time commands for other non-English keyboards were posted).

Speaking of Spanish, the Spanish spell checker was one of the
reasons I changed to TB! However, the last I heard, no UI or help
file was out in Spanish. (I'll check the site to see if that's
changed). Since I frequently recommend TB! to internet users here in
Mexico, it would be helpful if one WERE available.

I speak further about Spanish and the meaning of words in general
(linguistic theory - it's nature and uses - available also to others
that request it) in a post sent to your gmx.net address (I'll use my
own gmx acct and therefore the gmx smtp server to send it), as per
Marck's request (I would have preferred putting the matter to rest
before Karen's response). Language can be a medium for arriving at
mutual understanding and obviously, misunderstanding. It's a
dynamic, changing and imperfect medium, but it's the best we've got.

Speaking of TB! versions, I've gone through 6 and downloaded 7 (I
never got around to installing v. 1.44 and probably won't, since
finished TB! versions have now reached at least v. 1.47).

There IS what I'd call a bug in v 1.42 in that priority can't be set
from the message's View Folder, only from the message pane of the
main TB! body (OTOH, color coding CAN be set from the message's View
Folder). Perhaps that been improved by now. (I'll have to download
the newest).


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