Hello Marck & other fellow TB! Users following this thread,

Tuesday, December 05, 2000,  you stated regarding my saying:

DH>> I rarely "forward" anything. I usually use redirect. If desired, a
DH>> note  can  be  added. Can you think of anything inconvenient about
DH>> that?

MDP> Well, yes. Here's an analogy: "Forwarding" allows you to put a message
MDP> into  a  new  envelope of your own when sending it on to a friend. You
MDP> are  in  full control of any enclosures or extra notes on the message.

Redirect also allows that. You can edit. Sometimes I do that with
messages that need cleaning up or reformatting, before putting them
in the outbox and moving them back to the inbox (or where ever). (I
have asked for the ability to edit received messages for quite some

MDP> Redirecting  means  crossing  out the original address on the original
MDP> envelope and possibly scrawling on the flap :-).


MDP>>> When  forwarding  a  message complete with headers or a bunch of
MDP>>> messages,  MIME forwarding is perfect. Each message appears as a
MDP>>> complete  and exact copy of the original and as an attachment or
MDP>>> a group of attachments.

Yes but you have to reconfigure to do that - unless you redirect for
things that don't need mime forwarding - that way you can leave the
forwarding template set to mime.

DH>> If redirecting is a good substitute for forwarding,


I still fail to see your reasoning.

DH>> the latter could be left configured for occasions appropriate for
DH>> mime applications until a way to toggle mime forwarding off and on
DH>> is implemented.

DH>> Opinions?

MDP> I'm happy to use it the way I do right now, cumbersome though
MDP> that may be.

OK, Marck D.

Your happiness is important to all of us.


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