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Hi Douglas,

On 05 December 2000 at 15:16:21 -0600 (which was 21:16 where I
live) Douglas Hinds wrote and made these points:

MDP>> Well, yes. Here's an analogy: "Forwarding" allows you to put a
MDP>> message into a new envelope of your own when sending it on to a
MDP>> friend. You are in full control of any enclosures or extra notes
MDP>> on the message.

DH> Redirect also allows that. You can edit. Sometimes I do that with
DH> messages that need cleaning up or reformatting, before putting
DH> them in the outbox and moving them back to the inbox (or where
DH> ever). (I have asked for the ability to edit received messages for
DH> quite some time).

But that's a completely different operation from forwarding.

MDP>> Redirecting means crossing out the original address on the
MDP>> original envelope and possibly scrawling on the flap :-).

DH> Scrawling?

Yes  -  although  I did mean it slightly "tongue-in-cheek" - hence the
smiley.  Forwarding  is  an  honest-to-goodness  "here's  something  I
received  which  may interest you". The Subject is changed to Fwd:....
to  clearly  show  that  it is *not* the original message. The text is
quoted  and  formatted according to a forwarding template. There is no
pretence  that  the  message  containing  the  forwarded  text  is the
original.   It  is  a  message  *from  me*  *to  you*  which  contains
information *about and from someone else*.

Redirection  is  *not*  that,  nor  does  it  have  the  same purpose.
Redirection  is  what  you  do  to  a message to move it on to another
individual,  usually without change and usually intact. The only thing
that  changes  in  the  message  is  the  To: address and some routing
headers.  To  put  it  in  the  same  language as I used to describe a
"forwarded"  message, A re-directed message ends up as a message *from
someone  else*  *to  you*  in which I am only mentioned vaguely in the
routing headers. As for changing anything within a re-directed message
...  well,  it  seems  somehow  "dishonest"  to me. If the post-office
changed  the  contents  of  a  message that they were re-directing I'd
never trust them again!

Forward and Redirect are *not* for the same thing. MIME forward allows
you  to  do  something  else  again beyond the definition of either of
these. I don't dispute that you use re-direct the way you do, but it's
bad  netiquette IMHO. You should use text Forward to share information
from  a  text  message  with  someone, MIME forward to show a complete
message  to  someone  and  redirect to move a message on when it is of
interest to someone other than you.

DH>>> If redirecting is a good substitute for forwarding,


DH> I still fail to see your reasoning.

Have I explained my reasoning in any clearer a manner now (above)? I'm
not saying "it's the law", just my HO and the way I see it.

DH> OK, Marck D.

DH> Your happiness is important to all of us.

LOL.... and so it should be! ;-).

- --
[    Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA              ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www: http://www.silverstones.com      ]
[ PGP Key: http://www.silverstones.com/MarckPGP.asc              ]
[    Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs           ]
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