Hello Thomas & other fellow TB! Users following this somewhat ot
thread about viruses,

Tuesday, December 26, 2000,  you stated regarding :

TF> "You should have paid and gotten the key, then your PC wouldn't
TF> be down the drain" kind of way. LOL!

I downloaded a free key. But I decided to wait until a new HD is
installed before running it, as I assume it's time limited, and the
HD seller is now exchanging it for another one. I didn't want the
days going by without using the computer, but I'll probably run it
already anyway, and keep freeing up space, meanwhile.

What I'm doing now is hitting ctrl+alt+delete and shutting down the
spider (the only way that can be done), then deleting the file and
reactivating spider / DrWeb. But it's too much trouble and sometimes
makes me reboot anyway. But McAfee's email protection scheme caused
much worse problems and was unworkable. If this thing is that good,
I might just subscribe.

However, there are other good ones also - Kapersky, avx etc.,
(you've also mention some) and I'll need the new HD running in order
to try others. I installed DrWeb in order to delete the McAfee
directory from I:\, where TB!, my fax program and Netscape 4.05 (the
last v. I downloaded, as it's just a back up) also are.

DH>> (I hope that looking at it as I did in Notepad is safe).

TF> It usually would, even though I don't know that particular virus.
TF> Viruses need to be run, started, executed, whatever, to work, but
TF> looking at them wouldn't start the code.

IOW, activating it by viewing it (by changing the extension to txt
and double clicking) won't activate is viral,  worm or trojan
function. But that's just an assumption I wanted to verify.

Tracer does this though, and that's part of his line of work. (He
must be rather busy lately, since he rarely posts these days).


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