Hi Januk,
(AB Entry)

  On Tuesday, January 02, 2001 18:36:37 -0800 you wrote the
  following in regards to "TB! v1.48f - ABxxxPPP problem":

>>   TB! folder template begins with:

  For a moment or two I thought we (you) had solved the ABxxxPPP
  problem but, alas, that is not to be. I discovered this by trying
  to answer a msg from my inbox. The reply template included the
  macro macro.

  Marek & Thomas were good enough to answer my precedence question
  this way:

  1) entry in AB
  2) group in AB
  3) folder
  4) account

  Trying to find the template that TB! was using for this inbox msg, I took the
  following steps:

  1- In the AB reply template, I made sure there was nothing

  2- In the AB Group reply template, I made sure there was nothing

  3- In the Folder Reply Template, I added the word (Folder) under the
  greeting line.

  4- In the Account Reply Template, I added the word (Default) under
  the greeting line.

  The greeting line was identical for all reply templates in as much
  as I used cut/paste to be sure of same.

  As you can see from this msg to you, TB! used the AB template as
  there is an AB entry for TBUDL.

  As you will see from the following msg, TB! used the default
  template as there is no AB entry for this person.

-----|| original message ||-----
  Hi Michael, (Handle = "Mike")

  On Wednesday, January 03, 2001 09:41:15 -0700, you wrote the
  following in regards to "New Year's Wishes":

MLE> note the following new email address for me:
-----|| End Original Msg ||-----

  When I added a reply template with the same greeting macro &
  selected it to be used for the above person, TB! bypassed it &
  used the default template as above.

  I don't know what other test to try to isolate this thing.

  Is it possible we are dealing with a bug in this macro?

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
Using The Bat! v1.48f
PGP-Key 0x4C9CDF9D
ICQ 41116329

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