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Om 9:25 op woensdag 28 november 2001, Dierk Haasis:

> As you yourself stated the reply got cut at the "official" signature
> delimiter, which is quite good. So, I won't see it as a bug -
> especially considering that some of us see it as a bug that TB!
> doesn't recognize a second sig del: "- -- " created by PGP.

personally, i see the "- --" as a bug from PGP, and a rather stupid
one as well. as if they couldn't get themselves to write the few lines
of code to parse a the complete delimiter string (hey, why else is the
remaining text there? ("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----", that "BEGIN"
must have some meaning doesn't it?)

but to get back to the original question; i searched the RFC database,
and nowhere I (better: the searchengine :) could find a reference to
'-- ' being a signature that should be cut off replying. i think this
way of replying should be an option, not default. nitpick, i know.

i hate software deciding for me what part of the email i should be
replying to. one of the prominent features of the bat is that it does
not edit emails in any way, i find this one therefore rather
inconsistent. i usually edit away most of the irrelevant text in the
reply anyway.

> Instead of using a reply you can create a new message and paste the
> original text in with <Alt>+<Ins>. You can also create a reply and
> copy the text below the sig del with the same shortcut in.

hmm, yes, thanks to you and peter for the workaround, i thought about
that as well when i woke up this morning :)


Version: PGP 6.5i


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