In a message dated, Wed, 28 Nov 2001 11:17:29 +0100, Mrten [M] wrote:
M> personally, i see the "- --" as a bug from PGP, and a rather stupid
M> one as well. as if they couldn't get themselves to write the few
M> lines of code to parse a the complete delimiter string (hey, why
M> else is the remaining text there? ("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----",
M> that "BEGIN" must have some meaning doesn't it?)

I tend to agree here, with my current knowledge that is. I don't know
if there's a good reason for PGP's method that we're overlooking or
unaware of.

M> but to get back to the original question; i searched the RFC
M> database, and nowhere I (better: the searchengine :) could find a
M> reference to '-- ' being a signature that should be cut off
M> replying. i think this way of replying should be an option, not
M> default. nitpick, i know.

It's definitely a standard delimiter used by other clients as well.

M> i hate software deciding for me what part of the email i should be
M> replying to. one of the prominent features of the bat is that it
M> does not edit emails in any way, i find this one therefore rather
M> inconsistent. i usually edit away most of the irrelevant text in
M> the reply anyway.

Others don't and if those others hit their reply buttons to answer
messages from me at least I know that I'll be spared having my
signature unnecessarily mirrored back at me.

The signature delimiter should be looked at as a queue that the sender
doesn't wish for anything below the delimiter to be sent back to
him/her. This should be overridden only with explicit intervention.

I do agree that the 'quote selected text' option should really quote
everything and ignore the delimiter.

  ŠAllie C Martin   (_ List Moderator and fellow end user
______________________)  TB! v1.54/10 & Win2K SP 2
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