Hello Rick,

30 Nov 2001, 4:08:52 PM, you wrote:

RR> Although for the most part I also despise HTML emails, I'm not so
RR> certain that at least having the option to use it occasionally would
RR> be such a bad idea. The only HTML I used was some occasional bolding
RR> or italics which I didn't think was such a horrible offense.

I don't want to start the flame war here, but I believe if BAT is
continue to attract new customers and keep up with the rest of the
world, this feature should be available as an option.

Everyday I turn around, most of the world around me is going
multimedia, and although I don't like it, it is the way it is.

I didn't like it when CD's replaced LP's with their horrible digital
sounds, but LP's are gone by the wayside.

Besides, with the broadband connection, most people don't suffer from
bandwidth limitation of 56K modems.

Just a thought.

Best regards,
 Kenneth                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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