On 20 December 2001 at 8:54 pm Jan wrote:

>   But I'm constantly looking for ways to improve ways to rid
>   myself of this disgusting side of email.

I get few at home thanks to careful use of email addresses,

As for the work ones (I've had the same email address for 8 years and,
in the early days, used to post to Usenet without disguising the email
address ... !), I get about 90% of them by a simple filter:

<email address>, Recipient, No -> Delete the message

(as they do not have <email address> in the header) and putting all the
filters for mailing list posts (the only other type of email with
<email address> not in the header) _before_ that one, so all incoming
emails from mailing lists are hived off to folders before the spam
filter is hit.

The other 10%, which _are_ sent directly to the email address, are not
really possible to filter out without elaborate matches on subjects
and so on. As life is too short for such poking around I delete them.

(En passant, has anyone noticed that spam sent directly to the email
address [in To:] is becoming more common? A year ago it was 1%, if
that, of incoming spam).


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