Hello Sebastian!

On 29 Dec 2001 at 17:32:22 you wrote:

> I am a BAT fan, which comes from the fact that Outlook sucks really
> badly, and that I just like the fact that this tool is so incredibly
> fast and loaded with functionality.

Funny, I am a TB! fan because of the programme itself. I don't need
comparatives for my life.

Remember: The "good" is always the fiend of the "better". (For our
German speaking friends: Das Gute ist der Feind des Besseren.)

Think about it.

> BUT: I think there is a point when things start to be a little bad,
> for example this wrapping thing.

You are just a little lazy of thinking. If you know what you want you
can do it with TB!'s editor. I may just take a few seconds longer, BUT
IS IN YOUR CONTROL (Sorry for shouting, but I wanted this to be heard
by some members).

> Next thing I really cannot stand is the fact that the programmers
> spell Microsoft with a Dollar sign - I know, this shouldn't be a
> problem, but come on: almost EVERYONE here uses Windows, and XP really
> is an excellent OS - so much for that.

I won't argue about the OS part. But, how long are you in the
Internet? And I don't mean WWW. I am not quite a fan of this (stupid)
way to mark MS off as a dollar producing company - it's what everybody
likes to dream of. But come on, if that already annoys you that much,
you should look out for a life.

> Problem is further, that they REFUSE to give the option of using
> internet explorer's dll to show HTML content - are we back in stone
> age? I just want the OPTION, I don't want it to be a preset, just an
> OPTION - like John said, both camps can be satisfied if the
> programmers wouldn't be so concentrated on the "technical camp".

Tried double-clicking the HTML attachment? That's why I like the
attachment to be seen, I can just open it with Opera.

> I do not want to offend anyone by this, please don't feel like I don't
> like BAT, I love it, it's just that there are certain things I totally
> disagree with - hope everyone understands this.

There are certain things in life I disagree with ...

Dierk Haasis

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The Bat 1.54 Beta/20 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

The fox has many tricks, and the hedgehog only one, but that is the
best of all. (Desiderius Erasmus)

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