On Sunday, May 19, 2002, 12:52:28 PM, Geoff Lane wrote:

GL> On 19 May 2002, 17:10, Pete Milne wrote: That's easy, too.
GL> Autowrap automatically inserts a line break when your typing
GL> reaches the end of a line. This means that you don't need to press
GL> Return until you need a new paragraph.

    Trust me, I'm not trying to bring up the whole editor war thing,
    but was just wondering if there is a way when I have
    auto-formatting on that I can sometimes just hit return to start a
    new paragraph. With auto-formatting on I have to hit return twice
    which starts a new paragraph but with a line separating them.

    Actually even with auto-formatting off it is VERY difficult to
    compose an e-mail that might look like a normal single spaced


       This is just a test. Notice this test is one paragraph. Just a
    test. Just fa test. This is just a test. Some test. big test. test.
    test. test. test. test.
       New test, notice a new paragraph on the next line below the
    last paragraph and indented. Etc. etc. more test. bodufdk jfdkjff.
    fjdlfj.f jfdkfjf .fjf,fmds.
       Notice new paragraph. nets test. test.tkjkdjf dkjdsklfjds.
    boguz testing testing testing. testing testing. testing .testing.

    </END TEST>

    Now, the above isn't 'that' difficult to compose with
    auto-formatting off, however good luck going back and editing.
    Unless I'm totally doing something wrong (which of course I
    haven't rulled out) it is extremely difficult to edit that
    paragraph. If I leave auto-formatting on and go back and add or
    delete text the whole thing gets messed up and loses the break and
    pulls the indented paragraph up a line. If I have auto-formatting
    off at some I have to use CTRL-L which ends up doing the same. The
    only way I see to feasibly do it is to leave auto-formatting off
    and then go edit or delete the text and than manually add all your
    breaks and bring your lines together.

    There should be an easy way to compose a message the looks like a
    single spaced memo with paragraphs indented. I still haven't found
    a way to do this in The Bat! and am still confused why I can't do
    it. Can someone please help explain this. All I know is I have
    shown others the Bat and the simply can't get this editor. Before
    you start yelling "Well, that's there dumb ass fault," I ask "Is
    it really?" I still don't think it's that unreasonable for a user
    to be able to type up an e-mail message as if they were typing up
    a single spaced paper in a book with indented paragraphs that are
    easy to go back and edit.
    Thanks for more information.




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