On 19 May 2002, 22:18, Rick Reumann wrote:

>     There should be an easy way to compose a message the looks like a
>     single spaced memo with paragraphs indented. I still haven't found
>     a way to do this in The Bat! and am still confused why I can't do
>     it. Can someone please help explain this. All I know is I have
>     shown others the Bat and the simply can't get this editor. Before
>     you start yelling "Well, that's there dumb ass fault," I ask "Is
>     it really?" I still don't think it's that unreasonable for a user
>     to be able to type up an e-mail message as if they were typing up
>     a single spaced paper in a book with indented paragraphs that are
>     easy to go back and edit.

  OK, I'm no BAT-guru, but instinct tells me that I should be able to
select the bit that I need to reformat and then press Alt+L to
reformat just the selected block.
  For example, I'm leaving two brackets here [these are some added
words] to which I'll later return and add a word or two, and then
reformat. That way, I can see whether or not my instinct serves me
  This is another paragraph so that I can tell that it's only the
require paragraph that is reformatted.
  Well, it works provided that I only select from somewhere in the
second line of the paragraph to the end of the para, and provided that
Auto Indent is off. If you need to reformat from the first line, you
need only insert the indent after the operation.
  OK, I don't normally write this way. Not wanting to start format
wars, may I suggest the use of white space (blank lines) as the best
way to delimit your paragraphs -- it's much more obvious and takes up
the same or fewer characters than indenting.


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v1.60c on Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 6
Winamp currently playing "Bad Company - Can't Get Enough"             
A procrastinator's work is never done.

Current Ver: 1.60m
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