Thanks, Marck. I migrated from Outlook, not OE, but the migration was
not what I would call smooth by any means. So far the only problem
I've connected with the address book import is that I can't seem to
edit any address book entry that I imported. That didn't seem like a
show-stopper to me. But if it's related to the failure to close down,
then maybe I should do something about it. The question is, what?

Re: the connection centre, I have seen no problems finding my hosts (I
only use two), and there isn't a visible connection timeout problem
taking place in the connection centre when I'm trying to close the
program. In fact, there is nothing visible at all, which makes this
persistent problem quite perplexing to me.

Andrea in Kansas | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thursday, May 30, 2002, 4:54:50 PM, you wrote:

MDP> Unlikely. It is more likely to be connected to communications
MDP> errors in the connection centre. If one or more hosts can't be
MDP> found, you have to wait for the CC to timeout to be able to exit.

>> ... It was also suggested that I suspend automated tasks such as
>> automatic mail checking

MDP> That's the one!

>> and auto compress on exit and empty trash on exit, which I also did,
>> but TB! still refuses to close. I also get "Invalid argument to date
>> encode" messages whenever I try to cut and paste text in a message.

MDP> Aha! Did you migrate from OE and import the WAB? This error is
MDP> usually caused by importing birthdays. For some reason they
MDP> knacker the TB Address book. Perhaps the incomplete task is a
MDP> hidden error message somewhere complaining about the address book
MDP> date format.

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