On Tuesday, June 11, 2002, Ravindra Maharaj wrote...

RO>> You started what's essentially a new thread by replying to another
RO>> message. That means it shows up as listed in another thread.

> I see. I ignorantly thought that by changing the subject line, I'd
> start a new thread - but now I understand that the threads are
> determined by code in the message header. Cool ...

Unlike Outlook/Outlook Express, TB! uses more effective methods of
threading such as the Reference, and In-Repy-To headers.  In Outlook,
if you try threading, I believe it does it by subject, and maybe the
In-Reply-To tag (if it sets it).  This is what causes the 'issue' you
just had ;)

> I've been using TB for only half a night, and I can already see that
> I'll keep using it for a long time.

It's the best email client I've come across... still trying to get it
working on my Linux machine at home ;)

Jonathan Angliss

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