On Tuesday, June 11, 2002, Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats] wrote in

> instead of those little red crosses, I'd much rather see some random
> pictures -eg. fractals- of the right size (if this size was
> specified in the html), so that the formatting is more similar to
> what was intended by the sender.

I like the idea of substituting fractal images. However, FWIW, I
recall a survey being taken by a users group for Proxomitron, which is
a proxy that can be configured in a number of ways but basically
scrubs Internet ads and sanitizes referrer codes. As I recall, there
was a question about whether most users would prefer the scrubbed ads
to be replaced by placeholders of the same size, by nothing at all, or
by uniformly sized, very small brackets around the word "ad."  The
last one prevailed.  Before we clamor for change on this point,
therefore, we should be sure we have a good sense of the market.


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