On Tuesday, June 11, 2002, Peter Palmreuther wrote...

JA>> Guess I need to give an example... Take... erm... SubSeven. Has a
JA>> small program that 'encapsulates' files... Run it onto a .jpg file it
JA>> increases the .jpg file by maybe 300kb... file extension is *still*
JA>> .jpg (no hidden extensions, or anything like that), and the file is
JA>> now executable, and causes infection with the subseven trojan.

> If this is true IE simply parses the beginning of that file and executes a
> system call as already mentioned in


> Try installing "Irfan View" (http://www.irfanview.com/) and make it handle
> '.jpg' files per default.

I'll have to have a go... but I doubt it... we setup paintshop pro on
the test machine with .jpg extensions mapped to it, and it still
infected... might just be me though ;)  And I agree... IE does things
it should do ;)  But so do a lot of Microsoft products :PP

Jonathan Angliss

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