===== En réponse à un précédent message ====

Bonjour Thomas,

p>>  Sometimes crashes,

TF> Not here, but I don't doubt that on some systems it does. Would you
TF> care to describe the circumstances under which you experience this?

Yes my pleasure, I will try to do my best to remember.

For instance, I had 4 accounts, one of which had all my Quick
templates (again, please refer to
http://www.ginkyo.org/contenu/pages/TheBat/thebat_macros.htm for an
overview of those templates). Now, this account is no longer valid, so
I had to copy (!) all those templates to my new account because I
wanted to get rid of this old account. BTW, I never figured out how to
"drag & drop" those Quick Templates from one account to the other.
Anyway, so in the cut & paste process, right click, left click, right
click... BOOM! My computer reboots! Dammit! Why? No idea at all.

Now, another one. I like to keep my documents on a specific partition,
all of them, not on the same partition that Windows is installed on. I
just bought a new drive: Drive 1, partition C, Windows; Drive 2,
partition D, Data. So, Options > Preferences > System > Mail
Directory: change "C:\Program Files\The Bat!\MAIL\" (default) for my
new place on my new drive. There you go, I keep on having this little
warning icon in the task bar saying that my file is lost, file could
not be written and all this crap. Damn! So I came back to the default
directory under C:\. It referred to some kind of .srx and .flx files.

These are just two examples of instability and weird (bizarres) things

Now, please do not get my wrong here, and this goes to all those Bat
lovers out there. This app is pretty powerful and useful, indeed. I
just wish it would be more stable (perhaps just in my case), more user
friendly, and much better looking (this is just personal and not
really important, but compared to MagikTweak, the latest RealOne from
RealAudio or the latest Adobe and Macromedia apps... Ouf!) This is
what I expect from version 2.0, not more features. I think it is time
to improve those features already implemented. This is just my 2




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