Hello Sandro,

Thursday, July 11, 2002, 3:00:34 PM, you wrote:

>>> Any data about people should definitely be kept in one place and
>>> referenced by whatever application needs such data.
>>"Definitely" not.

SP> Definitely "both". It's a matter of personal preference. IMO, that is.

SP> I myself would prefer the former, having to enter data only once, and
SP> the fact that in the past there have not been programs that perform
SP> this function properly doesn't mean that the idea is not sound. After
SP> all, that's -again IMO- what computers are (or should be) for: making
SP> things easier.

Sandro, that is the whole idea, and sometime someone will get it
right. Outlook has a good concept, Ie. sometimes an email should
go into a task list, or drop onto a calendar to show that i need
to do something regarding that item on a certain day.

I am a developer, and what a mess it makes if you have
independent applications making you maintain their own
address-book or contacts. this is one global thing we humans all keep..
phone book!! our phonebooks contain all kinds of info about
people.. i put birthdays, anniversaries,  in my paper phonebooks, fax#, cell#,
email, lots of notes about the person.. so in electronic world.
.that is what i'm looking for.. something simple.. but if I want
to set up a meeting or a visit with someone in my address book..
darn it i want them to be in MY ONLY darn address book!  Calendar
and scheduling is also something I view as very important and
needs a common address/contact book..

It drives me nuts that there is not a calendar in TB! I love TB!
anyhow, don't get me wrong, but I really need to be able to pull
up a calendar or drop an email on a day of the calendar to create
a tickler file for the day..... as for full-on scheduling, for
businesses they work great, personally I don't use scheduling
that much... but email to me is not a stand alone
application..and someday the developers will get it together and
really make a plug-in able email that you can add whatever
vendor's product to. That is my hope.

Best regards,
 Laura                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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