Hello alists!

On Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 6:31:07 PM you wrote:

> Why would we want to manage more than one address book. info
> about people needs to track all address/phone/fax/email ---
> whatever info about people...

You again mix up the two different meanings of "address book" in this
context, as Marck stated it.

> however, if you are using your contact book for regular paper
> mail and/or email it makes sense to keep it all in one place and
> use whatever software to reference it.

Not quite. I am more than just content with having different "address
books", one in TB! (solely for e-mailing) and one in Paradox (for
various purposes and fit to my needs).

> the address manager is really a contact manager

TB!'s AB is an address book, not a contact manager - which stems from
TB! being an e-mail client, not a Personal Information Manager. Like
my Montblanc is not my filofax.

> Any data about people should definitely be kept in one place and
> referenced by whatever application needs such data.

"Definitely" not.

And for the "one place ... referenced", I might remind you of the
superficially good idea of the Windows Registry, which just doesn't
work. It is so bad that TB! users over and over again have asked for
an INI solution like Opera still uses it.

BTW, even software by seasoned programmers, who know what they are
doing, leaves upon de-installation remnants in the registry.*

*Marck, that reminds me, although I de-installed BrainStorm after a
plain standard installation, I found an entry left a few weeks later
(I think it was in the Software section).

Dierk Haasis

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