Sh'mae Kevin,
On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, at 15:51:59 [GMT -0400] (or 20:51 in Wales)
regarding 'SpamPAl' you wrote:

KC> There really is no need to use a 3rd party filter if you invest a
KC> little time setting up The Bats filters. The end result is effective
KC> spam filtering with only one program ... your e-mail program. The
KC> Bat's backup facility allows you to save everything easily. Who could
KC> ask for more?

DNSBL's  is  the  main  thing  -  the  bat  can filter on various things but its
retroactive - SpamPal is a bi more pro active


 pgp key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  O      I'd rather play guitar....
           [EMAIL PROTECTED] /|\     21:24, 20 September 2002
       / \     Adam Rykala

The only difference between diplomacy and treachery is spelling.   

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