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Hi Adam,

On Friday, September 20, 2002 at 21:25 GMT +0100, Adam Rykala [AR]

KC>> There really is no need to use a 3rd party filter if you invest a
KC>> little time setting up The Bats filters. The end result is
KC>> effective spam filtering with only one program ... your e-mail
KC>> program. The Bat's backup facility allows you to save everything
KC>> easily. Who could ask for more?

AR> DNSBL's is the main thing - the bat can filter on various things
AR> but its retroactive - SpamPal is a bi more pro active

I guess I don't see the advantage as spam is spam and in either case
it ends up in the same folder, whether tagged by a DNSBL list or not.
The disadvantage, as I mentioned, is that sometimes you get mail
tagged as spam erroneously if a person happens to be legitimate and
residing on a DNSBL flagged server. You also have to run a 3rd party
program that needs to be updated periodically, ties up more system
resources, to achieve the same net result. Simply using The Bat's
built in capabilities seems more streamlined. I've gone both routes,
but this is what I've found works for me. In either case, it seems
ridiculous that we all have to jump these hoops in order to eliminate
unwanted, unrequested junk mail. I hate spam. :(

- --
Kevin Coates
Dewitt, NY  USA
     AIM:kbc49     ICQ:2727351     Yahoo/MSM:kbc1949
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