Hello James!

On Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 1:13:27 AM you wrote:

> It amazes me why many don't understand the need for it.  If I
> had to guess, I'd have to say that many who don't see the need
> to edit the subject lines either don't carry on discussions or
> they simply do not use email for anything vital.

Wrong. I do change occasionally the subject line *in conversation*.
That is, I assign a meaningful/changed subject line to a reply. I am
very particular when it comes to vital communication and *don't want
anybody to change my mails* (this is for all of you that don't think
international Copyright doesn't hold if authors don't expressly forbid
to do anything).

> More often than that, I get replies to messages from me about one
> topic but containing an entirely new topic. With input from many
> different sources at different times, date and time is essential to
> keep the original flow of the topic. Folders can only carry you so
> far.

That shows you why at least some RFCs aren't that bad. And it shows
that the list rules do make more sense than just cater to the egos of
the moderators.

> I have used this method in the past minus the import part as I
> was just archiving.  But good call just the same.

What you actually should do - for archiving purposes - is to export
the mails completely into a text file, make some clearly
distinguishable annotations and save them. Within TB! you use the Memo
feature which can help a lot.

Dierk Haasis

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