On Saturday, September 28, 2002, 10:19:22 AM, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

>  A valid point but I think lobbying for  something that already
>  exists in a  different form sort of belongs in the dept.  of
>  redundancy dept.

It doesn't exist. I cannot put the cursor on a message, type in a
note, move the cursor to another spot and type another note, then save
the message.

If I use the memo function, I can't link the particular comment to the
particular spot in the message. If I have to drag it around from
folder to folder, then perhaps even resend it, well, pretty obviously,
that isn't a practical and convenient way to do it.

(paragraph intended to be tongue in cheek (to some extent), and tweek
those who really hate the idea of HTML capability) In Outlook or
Eudora, you could make the editing more obvious, so that that one
wouldn't have to be so worried that it could become confusing what was
changed for copyright or evidentiary purposes, if that is a legitimate
concern, because you can change fonts, or use italics or colors, to
distinguish the insertions. (end tongue in cheek, with comment that
this is the one way that HTML capabilities of Eudora were useful)

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.60i on Windows XP version 5,1

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