On Thursday, October 03, 2002, Jakob Breivik Grimstveit wrote in

JBG> Two things I would love to see in The Bat!:
JBG> 1.  Indexed  searching.
JBG> 2.  When  indexing  is  in place it shouldn't be too hard to include a
JBG> virtual  folder  option.


While I like both of those options, I do not agree that they should be
in The Bat! TB! is a mailer. The options you are proposing are
appropriate for an archive database. While it's true that TB! can hold
a tremendous amount of mail, a good archive database has all sorts of
features that a mailer does not need (and would be included only at
the cost of bloat and absence of other features). Why not use an
archive tool like Mailbag Assistant or some of the other programs that
I have heard are out there? (I use Mailbag Assistant and frequently
search large databases, including across multiple archive files.)

Perhaps the issue is really whether TB! should embrace a development
priority that the program should function as a good archive database.
I'm not convinced yet that it should, but I'd like to hear what others


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