Hello Laura,

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002 07:30:55 -0700 GMT (04/10/02, 21:30 +0700 GMT),

JN>> Perhaps the issue is really whether TB! should embrace a
JN>> development priority that the program should function as a
JN>> good archive database. I'm not convinced yet that it should,
JN>> but I'd like to hear what others think.

awc> if the architecture for the user interface was database driven
awc> then the user could choose whichever view of the data they want
awc> via filtering and/or selecting sorting.     (As I am not
awc> technical as to TB!'s back end, perhaps a Database is used, if I
awc> am wrong in my assumption, please advise!)

The *.tbb files are databases, which are indexed. The corresponding
index files are the *.tbi files.

I for one don't see a problem in an email program also being able to
take care of mail archives. I think this would be an enhancement.
However, I don't know whether TB's databases can handle several

awc> it seems like mail applications could significantly benefit from
awc> creative use of the front end and provide the best of both
awc> worlds. In addition, indexed searching would be a logical
awc> extension of that.

I agree. I hear the IMAP people and other parties yell that there are
more important things. Well OK. I don't use IMAP, and so everybody has
his own priorities. ;-)

awc> having yet another application to manage "archived" email is NOT
awc> what i'm looking for. All the "Purists" that think this is for
awc> mail and nothing else

You could counter than an email archive is for email. What do we do
with email after we receive it? 1: read it. 2: (maybe) reply to it. 3:
keep it. Most of the "life time" of an email is in number 3, unless
deleted, in which case the question of archive handling is irrelevant.



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