Monday, 10/21/2002, 7:35 PM

Hi Steve,
On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, at 20:22:17 [GMT +1000] (which was 3:22 AM where I live) 
you wrote about: 'Regarding TB! Internet Presence & Support'

SM> The biggest problem, IMO, is that the help file is inadequate. I know
SM> several friends who could benefit from The Bat but there's no way I'd
SM> recommend it without a vastly improved help file. I'll recommend TB!
SM> to friends with a good level of computer competency but to the average
SM> home user .... no way !

I can't stay quiet any longer. At work we use Lotus Notes, (No
Choice). I recommended The Bat! to a co-worker for home use. This Lady
is a total computer illiterate. She downloaded The Bat!, installed and
was up and sending messages within 45 minutes. She does not use all
the features because she has no need. I've found this program to be
one of the easiest to get people started. She now is pushing our
company to take a look at The Bat! to replace Notes.

SM> I'll risk my neck here by suggesting that ALL further development on
SM> TB! is halted until the help file covers ALL features, has a good
SM> index and search facility, and is properly linked to the program so
SM> that if hit F1 I get help on whatever area of the program I am in.

Sounds like you want to convert The Bat! to a committee project.
Nothing gets done without committee approval.

The lists related to The Bat! are amazing, every two or three months
someone gets an ingrown hair in an uncomfortable place and wants to
start a news group, or a web based forum. Sometimes they are new to
the list, sometimes not. I say, if someone wants to start a news
group, go ahead, anyone can do it.

Personally, I only use news groups for antique cars and porn. ;)
 Your communication is greatly appreciated,
In another 65 million years, Barney will be motor oil.

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