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'Lo Johannes,

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 15:21:02 +0100 your time, you said:

JP> I  think  it  is  a  good  time  to  remember  everyone  that eMail is a
JP> *priviledge*,  not  a right. Mind you, there are still providers that do
JP> not offer you a mailbox.

Huh?  What  are  you on about exactly?

I don't know about others here, but I pay quite a bit of money each year for
seperate  hosting  services, on top of the fee I pay to my ISP for an always
on  connection  -  and I only use my ISP as an Internet gateway; I don't use
any  ISP web or mail services. All my mail and web hosting services are paid
for, by me, on a yearly basis, to an independant hosting company....and even
then,  the  majority  of my mail is managed by my local mail server, which I
manage.  Privilege?  I don't think so!

If  you  are aiming your comments above at users in your domain then I could
understand the context. However, this is not the case.

JP> Then, I'd like to point you to
JP> <http://www.rfc-ignorant.org/policy-postmaster.php>

Yup, already familiar with it :)

JP> If you provide mail to your users, you have to keep your server running.
JP> This  means  that  you  will  look  why  a  message to one of your users
JP> bounced.

On  a  fairly small scale operation I can see that as being true. On a large
scale operation, I can't.

JP> If  you  find  out  that in fact this user *faked* a bounce message with
JP> your  postmaster  adress,  you  *will* let the user know that this was a
JP> one-time experience for him.

That's  your *privilege* of course. However, I can't see everyone taking the
same  approach  as  you,  unless  of course there were compelling reasons to
implement superstrict guidlines for a group of users.

- --

 Simon @ theycallmesimon.co.uk

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