Hello Victor!

On Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 2:28:12 AM you wrote:

> Built in calendar with mail scheduling features.
> Anniversaries, Birthdays, Holidays, Business...

Scheduling: Concur.
Full-blown calendar: No.

> I would also like to see support for newsgroups which should
> be somewhat a standard for mail clients.

It was said his will come via plug-in with v2.
I'd prefer TB stays an e-mail client. News is much more than mail and
there are at least two good news clients on the market (Gravity and
Agent, even Free Agent is very good).

I also think that mailing lists and Web fori steadily replace Usenet.

> Extract information from the body and sort to address book
> or to file.

Isn't that possible with RegEx?

> Reply without using default reply address but templates reply
> address.

I may misunderstand this, but isn't that what AB templates (perhaps in
conjunction with QTs) are for?

> A full quick template window instead of the fixed size.


> Instead of one button for all macros it should be much like
> the file menu aligned along the top for all macro
> categories.

Concur. And it should be able to access *all* macros.

> Sorting office filters window should not be a fixed size window.


> More options in the sense of one filter with check box
> options for read, replied, etc...

Hm, that is all in there, just, the usability concept is another one
than yours.

> Happy Holidays :)



Merry Christmas to all!

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Second Marriage: Another instance of the triumph of hope over
experience. (Samuel Johnson)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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