Hello Scott,

Friday, December 27, 2002, 10:09:46 PM, you wrote:

SJ> In my opinion, this would be easier to do with an anti spam program
SJ> such as Spam Weasel ( www.mailgate.com ) or several others that have
SJ> been mentioned here from time to time.  Spam Weasel is not capable of
SJ> sorting to your different folders, but it does a fine job of deleting
SJ> mail you most definitely don't want before you ever see it.  ;)

Thanks. Allie gave me some methods of blocking/deleting i.e a couple
of ways to set up filters. Thanks for your suggestion too, but I'm
kinda old fashioned and I don't like paying out for software to do
something that the software I have should do. Even if it takes me
ages to get my head round it. Must be slowing up in my old age :). Do
appreciate your help though, and if I can't fix it myself I'll try
what you've suggested :)

Best regards,
 Mike                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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