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Hi Andy,

@14-Jan-2003, 15:11 Andy Holt said:

> Some small examples seem to be that: - I cannot open different
> folders at once in different windows -

Double click on any message in the message list. You can open dozens
or even (given memory and resources) hundreds of separate "Folder
view" windows. Enable the "message list" (in the "view" menu) for
the first folder view window and you should be all set.

> I cannot save searches and thus make explorer short cuts to them -

No. TB does not become part of the Explorer as MS product does. You
can copy search results into a new folder within the system if you
need a separate copy of the results.

> I cannot import OL filter rules (OK that's a one shot problem, but
> I do have loads) -

A reasonable thought and not a lot that can be done about it.

> I cannot export folders back to OL .PST files - this makes a
> migration more risky

No, but you can export to other formats or (in-extremis) export the
folder contents as .eml or .msg files and drag them into Outlook

> The uninstaller doesn't work, for a start,

This was introduced in a recent update and is corrected in the next
release (1.62e).

> and I've had a few 'crashes' (didn't bother recording the
> details...) Thoughts on this?

Generally TB is acknowledged to be high on stability and on
standards support. It also has the most effective filtering system
there is and the fastest protocol transport capabilities. If you are
a power mail user, it is worth using in earnest for a week. If you
are a newbie anxious to make yourself completely immune from viral
infection, it is a godsend. If you are happy with the client you
have and TB would represent to bug a learning curve / wrench from
the familiar then it may not be for you.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.63 Beta/3 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1rc1-nr1 (Windows 2000)


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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