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On Tuesday, January 14, 2003, Andy Holt wrote...

> OK, assuming you've not filtered out my email completely because I'm
> using Outlook 2000 :-), I have a question (or two).  I've just found The
> Bat!, test-installed it (latest as of yesterday, 1.62 is it?), and it
> looks good, but it seems to me that a move from one email client to
> another will be a massive investment of my time.

> 1. Is it worth it? (OK, I know you're all going to say yes!)

I'd say 100% without a doubt. It may take you a little getting used to
at first, such as the editor, and filtering options... but once
everything is in your head, you'll wonder why Outlook never had half
the options.

> 2. (for ex-Outlook 2000 users) Being honest, are there any things
>    that OL 2000 does that you cannot do in TB!, that you miss?

I couldn't comment. There are a lot of things I can say the other way
around that OL is missing that TB has.

> Some small examples seem to be that:
> - I cannot open different folders at once in different windows

Yes you can... it's just unusual how you do it. If you double click on
an email in a folder, it appears you have just opened an email... Well
that is almost correct. Now click on View - Message List. You now have
the folder listed in that 'email' window. You can open as many as you
want then.

> - I cannot save searches and thus make explorer short cuts to them

Save searches?

> - I cannot import OL filter rules (OK that's a one shot problem, but I
> do have loads)

This I've noticed... but TB's filtering is a lot more powerful, and
you could probably cut some of the filters out.

> - I cannot export folders back to OL .PST files - this makes a migration
> more risky

If you're not sure, you could set Outlook to leave mail on server, and
set TB to do the same. Then just play with both until you have made
that final decision. That way you don't lose any mail, and if you're
not sure, you can still jump back... if you wanted ;)

> I'd be glad of any workarounds to these, plus feedback on the questions
> above.

> I've also not been massively impressed with stability / quality. The
> uninstaller doesn't work, for a start, and I've had a few 'crashes'
> (didn't bother recording the details...) Thoughts on this?

Most curious. It depends on what you're doing I guess. Since I started
using TB! a while ago, I think I've had 3 crashes.

- --
Jonathan Angliss



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