Hi All,

I've  been  a  very  happt  The  Bat! user for only a few short weeks, and I'm
trying  to  learn all I can about the application. My questions is, I believe,
simple, yet I cannot seem to find the answer to it.

Most  of  the  messages  I see on this list have the signtaure and footer in a
light greyed out text. It looks quite sharp. When I send myself a message I am
unable to duplicate this effect. Is this a function of The Bat! (something I'm
missing), or is it something out illustrious moderator is doing? Thanks.

Best regards,

Scott A. Blystone
Rochester, New York

"I sometimes wonder if the manufacturers of foolproof items keep a fool or two
on their payroll to test things." - Alan Coren

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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