Hi Jurgen,

Perhaps  I'm  not explaining myself well. I actually do not care what the text
looks  like  as  I compose it. I'm speaking about the end result, the received
message  after  I  send  it.  When  I  look at most of the posts I see on this
reflector  (except  for the one you just sent), I see that the signatures come
out  in  a  very light greyed-out text. I wish to duplicate that effect in the
messages I send out. Does this clarify what I mean? Thanks.

Best regards,

Scott A. Blystone
Rochester, New York

Thursday, February 6, 2003, 8:46:29 AM, you wrote:

JH> Hello to Rochester,

JH> to get this straight... Your problem is that you want to see those
JH> color effects (like the light grey for the sig part) in your EDITOR,
JH> when you actually WRITE a message? or that you can't see that effect
JH> when you look at messages that you wrote?

JH> Jürgen

JH> Thursday, February 6, 2003, 2:35:14 PM, you wrote:

>> Thanks  for the answer, but it answers the wrong question. I already HAVE that
>> option  selected.  My  changes  need,  I  think,  to be in the EDITOR, not the
>> viewer.

>> Thursday, February 6, 2003, 8:23:01 AM, you wrote:

CK>>> Hello,
CK>>> Adjust your Options -> Preferences ->Viewer -> Rich Text/HTML.

CK>>> Now it should be nicer.
CK>>> I hope it helps.

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