On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 08:12:30 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've  been  a  very  happt  The  Bat! user for only a few short weeks, and
> I'm trying  to  learn all I can about the application. My questions is, I
> believe, simple, yet I cannot seem to find the answer to it.
> Most  of  the  messages  I see on this list have the signtaure and footer in
> a light greyed out text. It looks quite sharp. When I send myself a message
> I am unable to duplicate this effect. Is this a function of The Bat!
> (something I'm missing), or is it something out illustrious moderator is
> doing? Thanks.

Put a so called "signature delimiter" at the (or near the) end or your
message. This can be done in the template (I guess it will be the
account templates) so you haven't to enter it every time manually.

The signature delimiter is a line of '<dash><dash><space><enter>' all by
itself on one line, nothing in front, nothing behind.

Simply type '--' than hit space bar and <Enter>.
You will not see the additional space, and you'll certainly not be able
to "detect" it by pressing <End> when the cursor is in that line.
The only way to "see" it is putting the cursor in the next line at the
very beginning and pressing <Backspace> (don't forget to <Enter> after
this test, so the _important_ lin break is there again).


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