Hello Kenneth!

On Friday, February 07, 2003, 10:54 AM, you wrote:

K> span.0 {FONT-FAMILY:'arial' ; FONT-SIZE:12 ; COLOR:#000000 ; }
K> span.1 {FONT-FAMILY:'arial' ; FONT-SIZE:12 ; COLOR:#FF0000 ; }
K> span.2 {FONT-FAMILY:'courier new' ; FONT-SIZE:12 ; COLOR:#800000 ; }
K> span.3 {FONT-FAMILY:'times new roman' ; FONT-SIZE:18 ; COLOR:#000000 ; }Hello 

K> One thing I like it is it's not obtrusive, and I can turn it on or off at will.

I truly dislike this! I had to put your message into the Reply text
editor in order to read it.

The colors are garish--on my screen--and hurt my eyes. The type is
only half as large as the Courier New that I have set up to read and
compose my messages in plain text.

I cannot change an html message on my machine for easier reading, as I
can a plain text message.

I am 75 years old, and my vision is not what it was at 20. But one
thing I do like about The Bat! and tbudl and tbot is that neither the
e-mail client nor the lists are age-discriminatory. At least, not so
far. :)

< snip >

JH>> Friday, February 7, 2003, 5:31:50 PM, you wrote:

KSR>>>> Looks like html editing has finally made it to the BAT.

KSR>>>> I'm sure it will be greeted with delight or scorn
KSR>>>> depending on your preference.

I greet it with a groan of dread. And I am not smiling.

>>> I am really happy about it. I am not one of those "purists".

One does not have to be a purist to have difficulty reading html
messages in an e-mail client. :)

JH>> same here :-) and I think you missed the space after the two dashes?

The way to be sure one gets this space in, is:

1) Hit the enter or return key after one's last line of text.
2) Type --
3) Hit the space bar (that will put the space in)
4) Hit the enter or return key once more
5) Type one's signature

To check: Place the cursor at the far left (beginning) of the first
line of text in the signature. Hit the backspace key. It should return
only to the space--leaving a space: like this <-- > between it and the
two dashes. If you do this check, be sure to hit the enter (return)
key again, to be sure the space is maintained, before sending your
message. :)

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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