Hello Tim!

On Friday, February 07, 2003, 5:15 PM, you wrote:

MB>> I truly dislike this! [The pink html message sent by Kenneth S.
MB>> Rhee to tbudl today.] I had to put your message [replying to
MB>> Kenneth] into the Reply text editor in order to read it.

I appreciate your reply, Tim, but I think we had better move this
discussion to tbot. As I understood the last messages from the
moderators, "how to use" html is an acceptable topic now on tbudl, but
not "whether or not" it is desirable in The Bat!

T> Why not just view the plain text version if you don't like the HTML
T> version? The formatting junk at the beginning is annoying, but
T> bearable.

I thought I made clear, in my Post, that the only way I can view the
plain text version is to bring it up in the Reply text editor, after I
have put the message on my screen in its html mode. So, my eyes are
assaulted! :)

MB>> The colors are garish--on my screen--and hurt my eyes. The type is
MB>> only half as large as the Courier New that I have set up to read
MB>> and compose my messages in plain text.

T> That's not the fault of HTML -- it's the fault of the person who chose
T> that formatting for the message.

Ah. And that was Kenneth, to whom I replied. :)

MB>> I cannot change an html message on my machine for easier reading,
MB>> as I can a plain text message.

T> True, although you can view the plain text version. It would be great
T> if The Bat! had a user-defined style sheet that could override the
T> embedded styles (like Opera).

I'm with you there! Let's send it to the Wish List. :)

MB>> I greet it with a groan of dread. And I am not smiling.

T> Why? Your problem was with reading something somebody else sent....

And, I thought, since he sent it to the List, that he sent it
expecting me to read it and enjoy reading it. I did not enjoy it. And
I expressed my feelings to him.

T> Don't you have the same problems with emails sent by Outlook
T> Express users, or Eudora users, or users of most other email
T> software? why is giving us the option to use HTML formatting so bad
T> when most of the internet world already have that option?

This is exactly why I am not using Outlook Express and Eudora. And I
did use them in the past, before I found The Bat!

I do have mails come in from those using OE etc., who have sent their
messages in html. These appear as attachments, and I can decide how
important to me the message may be--if it's from someone really
important to me, I do view it. And ask them to send plain text, next
time. Mostly I delete them.

For some reason, Kenneth's message came onto my screen without my
clicking on his attachment symbol. It was a little bit of a
shock--since it was from a tbudl Poster.

>>>>> I am really happy about it. I am not one of those "purists".

MB>> One does not have to be a purist to have difficulty reading html
MB>> messages in an e-mail client. :)

T> True. But that's the fault of the person writing the message, not the
T> tool used to write it. And you must have the same difficulty even now,
T> when The Bat! does not compose HTML messages, unless everyone who
T> writes to you uses The Bat!.

See my comments above. Also, are you going to educate everyone to use
html tastefully? Once when I was still having to use Outlook Express,
a newbie on another list sent me a grateful reply privately, three
pages on OE "stationery," shocking pink background, with red dancing
hearts, and deeper pink roses that did some kind of motion, and text
in a white, 10 pt. font.

Can I expect that next from tbudl posters? If not, what kind of
education will prevent it, and the loud accompanying music, too?

Please reply, if you do reply to this Post, on tbot.


Best regards,

The Bat! 1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

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