How do I join the BetaBat list ?
I have the the latest beta version and I noticed that several of my
folders are missing... I switch back to the original version and they
are there.


Best Regards,

- - - Kenneth S. Rhee wrote - - -
> Friday, February 7, 2003, 5:51:59 PM, you wrote:

MB>> I truly dislike this! I had to put your message into the Reply text
MB>> editor in order to read it.

MB>> The colors are garish--on my screen--and hurt my eyes. The type is
MB>> only half as large as the Courier New that I have set up to read and
MB>> compose my messages in plain text.

MB>> I cannot change an html message on my machine for easier reading, as I
MB>> can a plain text message.

MB>> I am 75 years old, and my vision is not what it was at 20. But one
MB>> thing I do like about The Bat! and tbudl and tbot is that neither the
MB>> e-mail client nor the lists are age-discriminatory. At least, not so
MB>> far. :)

> I am sorry.  I should have sent the message to the beta forum. 
> If you are running the latest beta, there is a way to format the
> html viewer/editor.

> As far as I can tell, it came through fine in my BAT (1.63 beta 6).

- - - End of Kenneth S. Rhee's message - - -

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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