Hallo Jim,

On Sat, 8 Feb 2003 14:27:53 -0500GMT (8-2-03, 20:27 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

JK> If what I'm reading makes sense, what you are both suggesting is
JK> that I need to create a single address entry for anyone whose
JK> email address I might want,


JK> and then create a group, and then associate each individual email
JK> address with the group.

No, I'd go the other way around. Create a group and add members to it,
but that's a minor issue.

JK> For example, if a club I was associated with had 10,000 members,
JK> and I wanted to send them all an email from the club - let's say
JK> to tell them a meeting was cancelled due to a blizzard (which I
JK> just did actually in Eudora), I would first have to individually
JK> enter 10,000 email addresses to accomplish this?  If that's the
JK> case the blizzard would be over before I was done... :-> This
JK> can't be true.

Of course it isn't true. What you're suggesting is ridiculous. You
wouldn't cancel a meeting with 10000 people via e-mail when you'd
never mailed with them before. The concept is that you've got them in
your address book (AB) and that you maintain your AB whenever there's
a new member, a different address or a quitting member.

JK> I couldn't just dump all of the email addresses from the database,
JK> and paste them into a group somehow?

Yes you could, depending on the database you've got those addresses
in. It would mean that that you processed all those addresses to
address book entries associated with a single group.

JK> But Roelof's images raise another question. When TB converted my
JK> Eudora address lists, it dropped each of the address books, which
JK> each contained groups, I had under TBs 'The Personal Address
JK> Book.' How do I move them out from under it? I tried cutting and
JK> pasting with no success.

Cut and paste works for me when transporting AB-entries from one group
to another, so I suppose that's not what you meant.
It's possible that the concept behind TB's and Eudora's ABs are so
different that it's not possible to do a really good conversion.

But let's start from the beginning. You've got a database with 10000
blizzard evaders. Can you export that list to a csv-file (csv = comma
separated value), that means you've got a file that contains per
member one line containing:
first name, last name, e-mail address
If so, export to that
and import that into your AB
First create the AB-group 'No more blizzards'
Select that group and do
 File -> Import from -> Comma-separated
That ought to do the trick.

Groetjes, Roelof

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