Hello Allie,

That's the sort of reply I keep getting but nothing from RitLabs;(

Being worked on, or plans, can mean 7 day or 7 years:( Microsoft plans
to release a stable operating system I hear.. Been hearing that one
for years :)

As much as I like the bat I'm afraid they are going to lose a customer
over this.

Not the lack of PGP8 but the lack of information/feedback.

Is there anyone from Ritlabs on this list?

If So:

You are giving me a "we've already got your money so go figure it out on your
own" feeling.

I'd be happy to pay a renewable licence or a support fee for some

If  it's  being  worked  on  there must be a project plan. Which means
there must be a schedule.

I'd be happy with a "Barring major setbacks it's x months/weeks away"
At least then I would have something to base my decisions on.

# Leaving whining mode here


AM> John L Crain [JLC] wrote:

JLC>> I've been trying to get feedback on the progress of a PGP8 plugin.

AM>      I'm not able to tell you what the progress is, only that there's
AM>      plans for one.

AM>      In a message from Stefan Tanurkov to TBBETA on Tue, 31 Dec 2002
AM>      19:28:55 -0800

AM>      He wrote the following:

AM> ,-----[ begin ]----->>
AM> |
AM> | Building support for:
AM> |
AM> |   - PGP 8. Finally - they've started publish the full source code again,
AM> |   so the plug-in and changes in The Bat! should appear soon.|
AM> |
AM> '-----[  end  ]-----||

JLC>> Anyone from RitLabs on here can tell me the status of PGP8 plugins.

JLC>> 1 month, 6 month, a year, never?

AM>      All we have is 'soon'.

AM> - --
AM>  -= allie_M =- | List Moderator | OS: XP Pro (SP1)
AM> _
AM> Comment: My Public Keys - http://www.ac-martin.com/pgpkeys.html

AM> lrme7+6p4jsMHU1dAlsvO8M=

AM> ________________________________________________
AM> Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:
AM> http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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