Hello St - Musaic.Net,

On or about Monday, March 10, 2003 at 16:34:36GMT +0100 (which was
10:34 AM in the tropics where I live) St - Musaic.Net posted:

>> Can we please have the option to have *all* filter actions logged
>> rather than just those from incoming mail.

I fully concur with this!  see below boondoggle....

>> 10.03.2003, 16:11:51: FETCH - received message from
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2144 bytes) (processed by "JunkShield
>> Spamvestigater (General - Anywhere - Main 2003-JAN-21 - 2)",
>> trigger: "slut", moved to "Inbox\Shielded Messages - JunkShield")

SMN>   Notice the logged condition   trigger: "slut"   in my example.

I had a situation occur over the weekend (when I am less attentive to
my mail) which caused a mail filter loop and sent out 457 'fwd: fwd:
fwd: .... .... ' messages to a mailing list I manage.  That is 457 X
10,212 (or 4.66 _MILLION_ plus) messages before I caught the error.  I
still don't know why it happened, as the logs don't tell me what the
'trigger' was.  This filter has been working properly for 14 months,
so I'm at a loss as to what happened.  I'm thinking the mailing list
that sends out the daily bulletin involved has slightly changed their
format, just enough to foul up my filter, but I am still in the
process of investigating.

Warmest tropical wishes,

(Disclaimer to those who know: don't flame me. To those who don't
know: don't believe me. To those who don't know whether they should
know: you'd believe anything, just because it was written in the
internet, right? ;-))

/"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
\ /   If it aint a webpage it shouldn't be HTML. 
 X    Say NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
/ \   Ask Spikey, he hates everything (HTML).
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