Hello Spike,

On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 at 13:12:24[GMT -0500](which was 18:12 where I
live) you wrote:

> As I am one of the group members (the 'owner'), I get each message
> back into the folder for the group.  I still haven't figured out how
> the filter misfired after 14 months, as the trigger is the sending
> mailer and the field is 'sender.'  The 'sender' for the newsletter is
> newsletter.online.com, and the 'sender' for the group is smartgroups.com.

> You tell me how the filter got bullocks'd up?  I don't have a
> clue......

No help I know but my filters went belly up a while ago and I don't
know why either so I just worked through them but also had to adjust
the order of some of my folders to get it all back working. I only
have very basic rules running my folders too - fortunately.

Best regards,

| Using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7 & SpamPal
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| and using the best browser: Opera7

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